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Gas Supply in France

Photo du rédacteur: French Admin - AndrewFrench Admin - Andrew

There are usually two options that are available in France for the supply of gas. Either your house is going to be on the mains if you're usually in a city (gaz de ville), or you're going to have to use bottled or Liquid Petroleum Gas, or gaz de pétrole liquifié, in a tank.

Bottled gas

Bottled gas is going to be more expensive and will have to be bought probably at the local supermarket or the petrol station. It's usually in butane / propane gas bottles and you will have to pay a deposit, or a consigne (proving who you are and where you live). The best solution is to have two and when one runs out to be able to change it over, take the empty one back and buy a new one. We all know they usually have the habit of running out when you are soaped up under the shower or just ready to cook the dinner. So, it's best to have a spare on hand. A bottle is usually about 13kg and costs, 2.22 euros a kilo, or about 28-30 euros for the bottle (the deposit is 5 euros). Both butane and propane are used for cooking, BBQs and parasol heaters for the patio. If you're using this type of bottled gas, then you also need to make sure that you regularly change the rubber pipe between the bottle and the appliance you are using it for. There is usually a date stamped on the side, by which you need to replace it.


The advantage of a tank of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) is that it contains much larger quantities and is usually stored somewhere near the house. But, there are disadvantages of using this system.If your house already has one fitted, then you will have to check the contract that you have with the company (or even the previous owner). As with anything, there are great prices to get you to sign up with the company, but once you are in, the chances are that you will be locked in with them, sometimes for a period of about 5 years on a contract. After that 5-year period the cost can go up and getting out fo the contract can be hard. You need to find out if you own the tank or if it belongs to the company that supplies you. If it belongs to you, you can basically cancel the contract or put an end to it when it's up for renewal. If it doesn't belong to you, and if you want to go to another company, then you will have to pay for the gas to be emptied from the tank, an administrative charge and then for the tank to be removed. Then, you will have to pay for a new tank by the new company to be fitted. The average cost per tonne in May 2021 is 2010 euros, working out to just over 2 euros a kilo. So, it's cheaper than the bottles, and has the advantage of allowing you to stock more. But, if you want to change, you need to weigh up the costs. If you attempt to cancel the contract before it is up for renewal, then you will have to pay the cost of the number of monthly payments that are left on the contract. It is possible to negotiate with the companies and attempt to stop them increasing the price, so save the hassle of changing the tanks (citernes). The 4 main suppliers 90% of the supplies) come through Antargaz, Butagaz, Primagaz and Vitogaz. These types of tanks can be underground and overground tanks, and they both last for about 30 years, on average. For the main companies there are two options for delivery that exist: either you have an automatic refill of the tank after a set period (this is cheaper), or you call and request a delivery when you are running low (but you have to count on the fact that you might not get a delivery in your area immediately).


Mains gas is delivered by GrDF today, and it can be supplied by Engie (the new name of GDF Suez), and Total Direct Energie, amongst others. The cost of a kWh of gas supplied through the pains is about 0,08311 euros for private homes. There are monthly rental costs that also have to be paid and the final cost depends on the zone in which you live. You will need to check the cost of each of the suppliers and make a comparison. There is free competition today in France on the price of mains-supplied gas also.

If you do need help, then French Admin can help you either get the gas on, or make the necessary calls on your behalf and negotiate a different contract. You may be able to save some money. if you just want us to take the hassle out of the organising of the whole thing, then we are here to do that too.

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Andrew Milne

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